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The willows

Hello Woods


I am here to share a short encounter of what happened since Halloween night. This might sound confusing so please bear with me. I am a "coming home" Wiccan, meaning I am new to the religion. Long story as to why I changed but I won't get into that. I met with a local coven who was having classes on the craft. 

To further explain this, in covens, which is nothing Satanic and nothing to be scared of or looked down on, in order to join and to be a serious member, you usually have to do a few classes and some public events, such as Samhein [oct 31] and Yule [dec 21]. Well I am in the process of doing this. The class was held at an older members home in the middle of the woods, and when I say middle of the woods it was just a road and a whole lot of trees. 

Of course the first time I was going there I was terrified, especially because I was isolated but I found my way and went into the class. After having a lovely evening I bid them farewell and got into my car. I turn out of the driveway and I see a shadow in front of my car. I instantly took it as I am just imagining things because I am freaked out of the surroundings. 

As I continue down the road I see something run into the road and I slam on my freaking breaks so hard the ABS system light turns on. After stopping I look up and nothing is there, no one is around, just the woods. I look behind me and nothing is there, I didn't run over anything. It looked like a dog of some sort to be honest but since it was night time and my high beams can only light so much, I honestly have no idea. Another incident, which I am sure is unrelated to the first, was the same night when I came back home and was changing into my pajamas for the evening, my hair on the left side of my face blew in front of me. 

The AC is not on, as it is fall/winter time now, and no one was by me. My boyfriends mom was fast asleep and my boyfriend and his brother were not home. I look around and not even the dog is awake. I was freaked out so I change and run into the room, under the covers, and try to close my eyes. Obviously wide awake I just lay there for a while and try to rest. 

I am not sure how long I was laying there but I hear this distinct whisper in my ear saying "Hello." I flipping freaked out and called my boyfriend, telling him to come home. I have NO explanation for the hello. I was not asleep, it was a male whisper, and the only other person with me in the house was a female. And the dog though he is male, cannot say hello.
